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A new rose for Anna Molinari

The prestigious nursery Vivaio Rose Barni in Tuscany in Italy created a new rose for the creative director of Blumarine.

The fascinating colour tones characteristic of dawn for the new Anna Molinari rose, which is going to be unveiled at Mostra Orticola 2018 in Milan. The centre of large double flowers are brightened up by intense shades of yellow that gradually fade to soft hues of cream and of pink for the edge of the petals. The elegant blossoms with their fruity scent make this rose a real star of the garden that truly charmed the acclaimed fashion designer who commented: “I am honoured by the fact that Vivaio Rose Barni dedicated to me a rose that seem different every time because of its multiple colours”.
From the very beginning, Anna Molinari’s creative path has always been in the sign of flowers and especially of roses. “My approach to fashion design and to feminine beauty, which sees as main protagonists the concepts of delicacy and harmony between what is within us and surrounding nature, has always been inspired by flowers. The colours of my clothes, the floral prints and the tendency of decorating the garments with rose-shaped accessories and details over the years resulted in me being referred to as ‘The Queen of Roses'”.